

African Network of Adolescent and Young Person's Development (ANAYD) is a regional organization working for and with adolescents and young people in their diversities which include ( adolescents girls and young women (AGYW), adolescents and young people living with HIV (AYPLHIV), young key populations (YKPs) and young people living with disabilities (YPLWD)) both infected or affected with HIV, Tuberculosis and Malaria. It was form 2015 in Nigeria, but properly inaugurated on 29th September 2017.
It is established and saddled with the responsibility to facilitate the provision of "Educational Development", " Digital and Socio-Economic Development", "Treatment, Care and Support services to adolescents and young people; to equip them with adequate capacity and skills and information on HIV, Tuberculosis, Malaria, sexual, reproductive health and rights (SRHR) so as to prevent further spread of HIV, Tuberculosis, STI and other related Health disease among adolescents and young people, and the general population.
We strive to promote adolescents and young people’s access to services in a manner that is youth friendly and of good quality. ANAYD is still growing and involving significantly against all odds. besides that it has it officials, and today ANAYD is part of the success story in fight against HIV/AIDS, SRHR,GBV and other related health cases among adolescent and young people in Nigeria and Africa.
- Co-Facilitated training of 66 adolescents and young people on Sexual reproductive Health and Right (SRHR) and Life Skill across 11 Wards of Birnin Gwari Local government Kaduna state.
- Co-Facilitated training of 20 adolescents and young people on HIV Counseling and Testing across 10 Wards of Kagarko Local government Kaduna state.
- Co-facilitated training of 22 Youth Friendly Health Services Providers across 11 PHCs of Chikun Local Government Kaduna state.
- Co-facilitated training of 35 Young Advocate on Strategic Advocacy campaign across 7 Local Government of Kaduna state.
- Reached 225 out of school adolescents and young people (AYP) capacity on HIV Prevention method in Jaji Igabi LGA of Kaduna State.
- Reached 527 In-School adolescents and young people's capacity on Life Skills in Makarfi LGA of Kaduna State.
- Reached 60 young people and youth with Google digital skills and ICT software application skills across Kaduna North, South, Zaria, Chikun and Igabi LGA of Kaduna State.
- Through funding by UNICEF supported participation of 21 adolescents and young people for African Youth Academy.
- Reached 140 adolescents’ girls and young women with comprehensive Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) information and services through ongoing project #PADAGIRL in Romi Chikun LGA Kaduna State.
- Hosted the first of its kind Leadership Summit in Kaduna State Nigeria on the 14th-15th December 2018 and Second edition 18th-19th December 2019 at Icare multipurpose Hall Kaduna State, which brought participations UN Agencies Heads of Office, Government Agencies Heads, Development Partners Heads and Civil Society Organization Heads in full attendance and 150 Youth delegates whose capacities were built across: Leadership, Management, Resource mobilization, Politics, Governance, Mentorship, Life Skills (Goal Settings, Decision making, Assertiveness and Negotiation Skills)., Character Development, Entrepreneurship, Modeling and Fashion, Information Technology (IT), Health (Sexual Reproductive Health Education, HIV and Gender base Violence), Media Art and Entertainment.
- Set up first of its kind Kaduna Volunteer Hub to help provide job and career development opportunities for young people and youth, the is an online Whatsapp plartform that provide direct link for AYPs with government policy makers (Legislatives, Judiciary and Executive), MDAs, UN Agencies, Development partners, International partners, Global Fund, CSOs and Media personnel. so far one young person on the platform was able to get an IT job in Kenya which he has resume work in Nairobi, other many got opportunities for conference participation in Lesotho, Morocco, Egypt and various many in Nigeria. More so one young lady in March 2020 got selected to join the first ever Global Fund Youth Council.
- Collaborated with UNICEF Kaduna from 30th June to 2nd July 2020 to conduct a social media COVID-19 awareness and engagement campaign and giveaway for adolescents and youths in Nigeria towards promoting COVID-19 information and addressing misconceptions; Over 10000 young people got informed via social media and 3 young people with the highest likes and retweets won the context and got supported with 1000-naira data each.
- Collaborated with EANNASO on 28th August 2020 to host Anglophone Countries Adolescents and Young People Constituency consultation for development of Next Global Fund Strategy which resulted to position statement and recommendation by AYPs for global fund to take up in its next strategy.
- Engaged in the UNAIDS Strategy Development consultation to give youth perspectives as a youth network member of UNAIDS West and Central Africa Technical Advisory Group on regional Humanitarian Issues.