ANAYD received support from the Global Fund to enhance dialogue among affected groups on the COVID-19 Response Mechanism – C19RM. This report shares an insight on the consultation with Adolescents and Young People (in their diversities) in southern Nigeria. The support was provided to promote knowledge of the COVID-19 Response Mechanism and consult AYPs (in their diversities) on the issues/challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic that they face in Nigeria. This report delves into the priorities of adolescents and young people with the aim of mainstreaming these priorities and meaningful engagement of YAPs in the Nigeria COVID-19 Response Mechanism grant application. At ANAYD – African Network of Adolescent and Young Persons Development, we focus on improving the lives of adolescents and young persons (in their diversities) across Africa, particularly by supporting structures/processes and service delivery. A total of 69 young people in their diversities and 26 stakeholders (totaling 95 persons) participated in the consultations. These consultations focused on identifying priorities for the diverse AYP groups as it relates to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Key findings from the consultations which held in three (3) states – Lagos, Anambra and Rivers states of Nigeria showed that the following were major challenges:
- Misinformation and lack of timely verifiable information about COVID-19
- Inability to access diagnostic, prevention, and treatment services
- Unemployment and loss of livelihoods/limited incoming generating opportunities due to COVID-19
- Human Rights Violations, Gender-Based Violence, and IPV

As a result of the challenges identified, the following were the emerging priorities for AYPs as it related to COVID-19 Response Mechanism:
- Strengthening and supporting AYPs engagement in prevention and service delivery
- Expanding/adapting Community-led and client-centered service delivery models
- Support for socio-economic empowerment, livelihood, and mental health
- Address Human Rights Violations, Gender-Based Violence, and IPV

To tackle the challenges identified, participants proposed provision of PPEs, increased funding, sensitization/training of health/law enforcement personnel, scale-up/integration of Home delivery of nutritional support, face-to-face/virtual outreaches/sensitizations, promotion of harm reduction, and data support for AYP networks to host regular social media information/education sessions etc as response strategies. As Nigeria prepared her grant request for the COVID-19 Response Mechanism, young people partook in the process, to share their priorities and engage the mainstreaming of these priorities in the country’s grant request.
This is therefore a handy document for government, stakeholders, and AYP-focused organizations in Nigeria as they respond to the COVID-19 needs of young people in their diversities in Nigeria.

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